What Are The Effects of Amanita Muscaria?

What Are The Effects of Amanita Muscaria?

On the surface, Amanita muscaria, or Fly Agaric, is the typical storybook mushroom depicted in your favorite fairytales. But when prepared and ingested correctly, it can transform your mind, body, and spirit. Humans have been using the shroom for its healing effects for centuries, particularly in Hinduism as part of Soma. Since then, thousands of people have reported interesting effects from the magical mushroom, and we'll dive into them today.

The Effects of Amanita Muscaria

To give you a complete picture of the anecdotal effects, we've split them into five groups — physical, visual, cognitive, auditory, and multi-sensory. Although, it's important to remember that Amanita muscaria impacts people in different ways.

Amanita Muscaria Physical Effects

Amanita Muscaria Visual Effects

There's really no telling how Amanita muscaria will impact your visual perceptions because it depends on your physiology and the dose you take.

However, most anecdotes report various enhancements, suppressions, distortions, and hallucinations.


The most apparent visual enhancement is colors — they become brighter and more saturated than before.

Magnification is another common one. You may see distant details closer or "zoomed in" than they truly are.


Double vision (medically known as diplopia) happens when you see the same object twice. Some users report subtle diplopia after consuming Amanita muscaria, while others have intense effects that eradicate their ability to accurately perceive their environment.


Fly Agaric can produce all kinds of visual distortions, including:

Hallucinatory States

The shroom produces two major types of hallucinations — external and internal. The former occurs when the visual hallucination appears to integrate into your external environment seamlessly. The latter is an experience that happens in an imagined environment, similar to dreams.

The Cognitive Effects

All the cognitive effects impact your perception, understanding, and knowledge about the environment around you and your thoughts. They're perhaps the most prevalent effects experienced after taking Fly Agaric and include:

The Auditory Effects

Depending on the dosage, you might experience auditory distortion or hallucination. These may manifest as hearing strange, omnipresent, and comforting sounds that aren't actually playing.

The Multi-Sensory Effects

Synesthesia occurs when your cognitive pathways are altered, resulting in hearing colors and seeing sounds. It's a common effect associated with hallucinogenics, and many users report the sensation with Amanita muscaria.

Only Purchase Properly Processed Amanita Muscaria!

The risks from Amanita muscaria are only prevalent from unproperly strained or prepared mushrooms. So, to ensure toxicity is minimal, you need to purchase expertly prepared Amanita products like the powders and capsules from our store.