Every organization needs a document management strategy. Having one:
If your organization doesn’t have one, it’s time you considered developing one. Not having one puts your organization at an unnecessary risk and decreases overall efficiency. Luckily, we’ve laid out everything you need to get started with yours.
When creating and implementing any strategy, it’s important to know who’s in charge of seeing it through from beginning to end. To ensure that all documents and processes organization wide are taken into account when developing yours, you’ll want to establish a project team for oversight.
This project team will be made up of individuals from all aspects of the organization (administration, departments, specialty positions, etc.). Each member of the team will act as a mediator between the team and the group they represent. They will identify which documents from their group must be saved, which can be eliminated, and will also document the way their department processes documents.
Once your organization has its team established, they’ll need to:
Now that the project team (possibly joined by a document management company) has an understanding of how your organization handles its documents, it’s time to identify what type of documents they’re dealing with and how they’re used. The project team will take an inventory of the documents in every department’s office. Remember to check every location, including closets, empty offices, and any other area documents may have been poorly stored.
Taking inventory will identify which materials are:
During this process the project team may discover they need more resources to adequately document, organize, and store everything. If this is the case, have the team revise their results from step 2.
This inventory will be helpful in identifying the types of documents your organization deals with daily, which records need to be immediately available and which will not.
Once the team has finished taking its inventory, they’ll need to determine:
Now that the project team knows the types of documents its organization deals with, the purposes they serve, and where they currently are - they can begin putting together a strategy. This strategy will outline:
Once the outline is developed, it’s time to eliminate the clutter and those files that are only taking up space and potentially causing a liability risk. The project team will begin identifying and potentially eliminating all unnecessary documents that were discovered during the inventory and will eventually hand that task down to their respective groups.
The project team may choose to commit dated documents into a company archive to create a history of records - something an electronic document management system does automatically. Other options for dated and unnecessary documents can and should be developed based on your organizations needs and legal obligations.
It’s finally time to implement your document strategy.
If using an electronic document management system, move current electronic documents into the system. You’ll want to index all aspects of the document as they’re transitioned in. If you still have paper documents, begin scanning them in when applicable.
However, if you’re still required to keep some paper documents on file then you’ll first want to prepare folders for each type of document and organize those documents into those folders. Then follow the procedures established in your file plan. Include reference sheets in the folders to help users locate related non-paper materials.
Once everything is organized, it’s important that employees follow the strategy and keep all records up-to-date. We recommend that this now becomes a corporate policy so that you have everyone using the new system and all company assets are protected.
Be sure to:
All these things are immediately available through an electronic document management system with minimal set-up. Implementing this process becomes difficult with a paper management system and does not provide the efficiency, reduced costs, compliance and auditing capabilities.