Gus Frangos
812 Huron Road E, Suite 800, Cleveland, OH 44115
The Cuyahoga County Land Reutilization Corporation (County Land Bank) seeks to revitalize neighborhoods, promote economic growth and create job and workforce development opportunities. The Land Bank addresses the conversion of land to productive new uses and is committed to the healthy and sustainable re-development of property in Cuyahoga County. The Land Bank is empowered to assist local governments in effective use and re-use of vacant property. A nine-member Board of Directors is charged with the task of governing the operations of the Land Bank.
While there are no specific qualifications for the appointed members of the Board of Directors of the Land Bank, the County seeks individuals experienced in property, real estate or land use related to the re-development of our County. The successful candidate will have a vision of innovative uses of Cuyahoga County’s land. The members of the Board of Directors serve two year terms. They are not compensated for their service but may be reimbursed for expenses.
Regular meetings are held quarterly (on the last Friday of the month) at 10 a.m. at Land Bank Offices. Please contact Jacqui Knettel at or 216-698-8772 for more information on the meeting schedule.